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We're on a mission to use finance as a force for good.
Yield: Everyone deserves access to low cost, accessible financial education

Yield (v.)

/ 'yēld /

Everyone deserves access to low cost, accessible financial education.

Spread: Financial literacy is our superpower to doing good in this world

Spread (v.)

/ 'spred /

Financial literacy is our superpower to doing good in this world.

What we do

Start your journey to financial independence 

Learn the ins and outs of personal finance, investing, and financial wellbeing. We'll show you that intelligent investing can be simple, despite the financial industry's attempts to make it seem otherwise. In our Learn to Invest & Build Wealth course, you'll gather all the skills you need to invest and manage your money independently and with confidence.


But the best part about the course? All of our profits go to charity. 


Money talks. Make it say something good.

At Yield & Spread, we're committed to using financial literacy as a tool to create positive change. By teaching people to build wealth and financial security, we are creating opportunities to support others in need. We are inspired by the Effective Altruism community, a movement of people revolutionizing charitable giving to end extreme poverty.

Financial education you can actually trust.

Education without the upsell. 

We do not sell financial products, nor do we make commissions.

As Featured On

Runner-Up for the The Money Awareness and Inclusion Awards for best non-profit promoting financial literacy
We discuss personal finance & philanthropy on the Giving What We Can Podcast
Founder Rebecca tells her Financial Independence story on The Fioneers' Blog
We discuss personal finance & philanthropy on the MadFientist podcast
We discuss personal finance & philanthropy on the ChooseFi podcast
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